Hello, Welcome!

Hey, it's S! I'm all about the cozy life. I practically live for staying in and enjoying movies, TV shows, books, and internet rabbit holes. My ideal day goes like this:

A couple of years ago I decided to create a new creative outlet and document all the things that spark joy for me on a daily basis. This little newsletter has become one of my happy places.

About me: I live in South Florida with my partner and my child and I have a full-time job in tech.

Quick rundown:

  • I am no influencer so you won't find any sneaky ads or fake endorsements.

  • I'm just a regular person getting my fix from bookstores, public libraries and streaming services. No fancy screeners or freebies, I pick what catches my eye and share it here. I don’t anything sent by a publicist.

    Hope you enjoy the cozy vibes around here! 🌈✨

Subscribe to Things that Make me Happy!

My personal watching, reading, buying and micro-joys recommendations with a side of great links.


Weekly recommendations of things that make me happy